Sunday, August 30, 2009

new lyrics

Arising (Song of Songs)

Who is this arising like the dawn
as pale as the moon and as bright at the sun
as majestic as an army with billowing banners
she went down to the grove of walnuts
and out to the valley to see the spring
to see weather the grape veins had budded or the pomegrantes bloom
and before she realized it she found herself in a chariot with her beloved


Place me like a seal over your heart (x2)

For love is as strong as death
it's jealousy enduring as the grave
love flashes like fire, the brightest kind of flame
many waters cannot quench love, nor rivers drown it
if a man tried to buy love, with all his wealth, he would be scorned

Chrous (x4)

Besides Myself

In our fear in our pride in our confusion
we tend to loose sight of the conclusion
for we think that we know all the answers
but deep inside we are lost

and my father says I love you (x3)
can everything else fade away?

In our pain in our lives in our exploration
we cling to the things we can see
for we hold onto hope in each waking moment
instead of looking towards eternity

Yet our father says I love you (x3)
and everything else fades away

With this day with this life
we will glorify you
for your are the hope that's alive
and you answer our fear pain pride and confusion
you heal the wounds we cannot

When our father says I love you (x3)
everything else fades away

Before it so desires

He looks her way and she has nothing to say
for his gaze holds the truth

She holding fast to a love that won't last
he's here he's now, but is he true?

Do not awaken love before it so desires (2)

Reminded of what her father might say
she finally turns away

Now she's left with all of her fears
alone with her wasted tears

Do not awaken love before it so desires (2)

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