Tuesday, April 8, 2008

the dividing line

I realize I haven't written on my blog for quite a while. I'd like to blame it on the lack of internet connection at my house or the raining weather, but I don't know if that would be entirely true. You see, it isn't easy bearing your soul to the world wide web. It isn't easy writing these words when you have no idea who may read them or what the response may be. But still they come. These words break the silence and cross millions of miles to reach you.

I've realized this year how small the world really is. It's the click of a button or the distance of a day on an airplane. And people, everywhere, have so much in common. They have the same basic needs and fears. Their daily routine may differ or the size of their pocket book. They may prioritize some things above others...but when it comes down to it....we have brothers and sisters the world over.

I wonder what would happen if each person realized this. If in both their head and heart they knew the kinship they possessed with those from each and every continent. What is it that divides us? Differences in culture? language? way of life? Yet aren't these divisions what make each person and place uniquely beautiful?

When is it necessary to compromise? To challenge the values of one culture in sight of the effects it has upon others? Are we looking for the benefit of ourselves or our country at the cost of others? What is most important?

We must recognize what divides us and fight it. Fight ignorance and fear, guilt, pride and selfishness, complacency and resentment. Once these things fall away, perhaps we will be able to see the truth.

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